Global Ichthyosis Syndrome Network Foundation

Information about a Public Benefit Organisation

  • Sinterklaas
  • Sjgren-Larsson
  • Ichthyosis Vulgaris
  • Congenitale ichthyosiforme erythrodermie
  • Trichothiodystrofie
  • harlekijn ichthyosis

Latest News:

New GISN-website
Saturday, 02 December 2017
On 1st of December 2017, the new website of Global Ichthyosis Syndrome Network (GISN) has gone online. On this new site we want to combine all information that we have available at this moment. Also, a complete new member system has been developed...



This website is made possible by donations to the Global Ichthyosis Syndrome Network Foundation.

The patients that we represent can use your donation very well. Amounts that have been granted exclusively benefit the patients. Board members of the Foundation do not charge any costs. Donate via this website by clicking on the donate button below or click on 'Donate' at the top in the main menu.

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  • Total Users: 2
  • Latest User: Poplar
  • Online Users: 0
  • Users Today: 0
  • Users this Week: 0
  • Users this Month: 0
  • Users this Year: 0