Global Ichthyosis Syndrome Network Foundation

Information about a Public Benefit Organisation

  • Congenitale ichthyosiforme erythrodermie
  • Sjgren-Larsson
  • Trichothiodystrofie
  • Ichthyosis Vulgaris
  • Sinterklaas
  • harlekijn ichthyosis

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This web site has been created and is maintained, with the greatest of care. However, 'Global Ichthyosis Syndrome Network Foundation' cannot guarantee the content or operation of the web site.'Global Ichthyosis Syndrome Network Foundation' cannot be held responsible for interruptions or failure in the operation of the web site, or for the accuracy, completeness and actuality of the content. 'Global Ichthyosis Syndrome Network Foundation' can also not be held responsible for the content of a third party website to which a user is redirected via a hyperlink on the Global Ichthyosis Syndrome Network Foundation web site. 'Global Ichthyosis Syndrome Network Foundation' can also not be held responsible for content published by third parties.

'Global Ichthyosis Syndrome Network Foundation' reserves the right to change any content of the web site, or to restrict access to services offered on the web site, without prior notice. 'Global Ichthyosis Syndrome Network Foundation' cannot be held responsible for damages resulting from changes in the content or the services offered on the web site or for the restriction of access to the web site.

If you notice any error on the web site, please report it to the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. In consultation with the 'Global Ichthyosis Syndrome Network Foundation' these errors will be corrected as soon as possible.

Ichthyosis: living with a congenital skin condition.

Ichthyosis. In the Pocket Dictionary of medicine it is described as: 'fish scales disease, persistent congenital skin condition by scale formation'.

In Ichthyosis is the balance between the production of new skin cells and the molting of the skin is disrupted. Ichthosis is hereditary or caused by a spontaneous genetic mutation. The skin can create too many new skin cells or cells cannot peel easily. That leads to a disruption in the normal skin process of creation and breakdown. This gives scales on the skin.

As you can read on this website, there are several conditions that fall under this umbrella term. This site is an information resource for anyone who want to be informed about this (yet) not to cure disease.

Latest News:

New GISN-website
Saturday, 02 December 2017
On 1st of December 2017, the new website of Global Ichthyosis Syndrome Network (GISN) has gone online. On this new site we want to combine all information that we have available at this moment. Also, a complete new member system has been developed...



This website is made possible by donations to the Global Ichthyosis Syndrome Network Foundation.

The patients that we represent can use your donation very well. Amounts that have been granted exclusively benefit the patients. Board members of the Foundation do not charge any costs. Donate via this website by clicking on the donate button below or click on 'Donate' at the top in the main menu.

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